Home 9 Business Studies 9 Business 9 NC(V): Transport and Logistics Level 2 – 4
False Bay College Business Studies



About this Programme

About this programme:

This programme will offered in 2022 at Level 2 only, followed by Level 3 in 2023 and Level 4 in 2024.

The purpose of the programme is to provide qualifiers with necessary knowledge, skills and applied competency to manage logistics in an enterprise in an integrated manner. The programme focuses on lower and middle management. Emphasis is placed on distribution with brief reference also to procurement and production. People working in an environment where customer service, warehousing, inventory management, transport management, materials management, and order processing is of particular importance, would benefit from this programme. Employment opportunities exist in manufacturing enterprises, wholesalers and distributors, retailers and third party logistics firms.

Admission requirements

Minimum Admission requirements

To enter Level 2 – Grade 9 or better
To enter Level 3 – Level 2 qualification
To enter Level 4 – Level 3 qualification

Career Opportunities

CAREER opportunities

Employment opportunities exist in manufacturing enterprises, wholesalers and distributors, retailers, and third-party logistics firms.



3 years full-time. This programme will be offered in 2022 at Level 2 only, followed by Level 3 in 2023 and Level 4 in 2024.

Course Content

Course content

Fundamental Subjects (Compulsory) Level 2,3,4

Life Orientation

Vocational Core Subjects

Freight Logistics (Level 2,3,4)
Transport Economics (Level 2,3,4)
Transport Operations (Level 2,3,4)
Entrepreneurship (Level 2)
Project Management (Level 3,4)


Freight Logistics:

Freight logistics is the overseeing and management of a cost-effective operation and the delivery of goods. It combines logistics experience, human resources, and knowledge to ensure the smooth journey of goods between carriers and shippers.

Transport Economics:

Transport Economics is the study of the physical movement of freight and passengers from the point of origin to the point of destination, to be at the right place, in the desired condition, at the expected time. All of these activities are key to the functioning of any economy.

Business Literacy:

The ability to read and write about business, knowledge, and education for employees about the company’s business to operate and achieve its financial goals.

Transport Operations:

This is the movement of a single type of goods from one place of origin, where the goods are loaded, to a destination, where they are unloaded.


The activity of setting up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit.

Project Management:

Project management is the use of specific knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to deliver something of value to people. All projects are a temporary effort to create value through a unique product, service or result. All projects have a beginning and an end.

    Business Studies