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Student Support and Development Services


HIGHER HEALTH is delighted and honoured to announce that the Post Schooling Education Sector (PSET) now has a dedicated 24-hour toll-free helpline for addressing the mental health and psycho-social support needs of our students and staff.

How to access the 24-hour HIGHER HEALTH PSET helpline:
Call toll-free 0800 36 36 36 or SMS 43336


Student Support and Development Services (SSDS) is a department within the Education and Training leg of the College. There are student support offices on each of our College campuses where staff members are committed to helping you while you are a student at False Bay TVET College. We provide an integrated professional service in the areas of careers and employment, learning assistance, personal counselling, Inclusive Education support and financial support services.


Our department provides a range of services to all our students so that they can become effective functioning individuals who are equipped with personal social skills, who are able to adapt to changing life demands and who are ready to enter the world of work.


The False Bay TVET College Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Policy strives to create an environment that is conducive to optimal teaching and learning and where the rights of all are respected.

All students are required to read and sign the Student College Code of Conduct upon registration. A few pertinent points with regard to student behaviour include:

  • Students are not permitted to engage in inappropriate and unwelcome behaviour with staff or students of False Bay TVET College.
  • Discrimination on the basis of race, religion, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status or disability will not be tolerated at False Bay TVET College.
  • Students may not engage in or become party to an unlawful act. Summary (immediate) expulsion may be authorised where students have acted unlawfully on College premises, at organised College excursions and at any place where the College is represented.


In addition to the very best in education and training, False Bay TVET College provides its students with the opportunity to be leaders. The members of the SRC are an important link between management and the student community.

The SRC governance structure is elected annually through a democratic election process monitored by an Independent Electoral Body. It enables student matters to be heard and addressed.

The members of the SRC make vital contributions to the life at College and act as true leaders amongst their peers.


  • Careers Counselling
  • Personal Counselling
  • Learning Assistance
  • Workshops and Seminars
  • Inclusive Education Support


This is a free service to all students of the College. You will be able to make use of our pre-course assessment tools, which help you to establish your career pathway. Career resources are also available to you. Should you need career counselling, you can make an appointment with your student support officer.

Click here to read more


This is a free and confidential service that is offered to students of the College and is run by the student support and Development Services department. Counselling is available to assist those who may be facing crisis situations, adjustment or problems in life. This department also runs life skills workshops and seminars providing advice on some more common areas of concern for students such as anxiety, stress management and time management. Students are advised to study the notice boards for such seminars/workshops.


MOT is a youth training and development programme that aims to improve the social environment and basic quality of the life of young people, by teaching them vital life and social skills in diverse environments.

This is achieved by focusing on the development of skills pertaining to communication, decision-making, leaders, problem-solving and crisis management, while also encouraging the development of a positive self-esteem and healthy relationships.

Through the MOT programme, students are encouraged to participate in community projects and college events, including the Dare to Care programme which coincides with Mandela Day.


Student Support and Development Services helps students to develop appropriate and effective approaches to:

  • Learning
  • Exam preparation
  • Time management

Student Support and Development Services assist students in developing appropriate learning approaches through:

  • Individual consultations
  • Group work (tutorials)
  • Workshops open to all students

Student Support and Development Services staff can also advise and assist students when they:

  • Need to apply for extra time
  • Need to apply for special considerations, examinations, etc.
  • Prepare appeals


Student Support and Development Services offers workshops throughout the course of the year. These are open workshops and are available to all students. These workshops may relate to:

  • Aspects of student well-being
  • Study and exam skills (time management, study skills)
  • Personal development workshops (dealing with issues such as stress, anxiety, and procrastination)
  • Presentation skills (useful tips on presentation skills)
  • Workshops will be advertised on notice boards on your campus


Each campus offers an OLC where you will find all the information you need to complete your assignments and coursework to ensure successful outcomes for your programme of study. All students registered at False Bay TVET College (full-time or part-time) are encouraged to use the OLC facilities which you can access by displaying your student card.


False Bay TVET College has successfully supported access for students with disabilities and special learning needs since 2004. Inclusive Education is a key service at the College and relates to our core value of Valuing Diversity. Through actively promoting inclusion of students with disabilities we seek to address South Africa’s skills shortage by developing people of merit, regardless of mental or physical disability or special learning needs. By studying at False Bay TVET College (FBC) you access an opportunity to become a qualified, employable professional in your chosen field.


Minimum Academic Criteria:

  • Pre-Vocational Learning Programme
  • Grade 9 for NC(V) / NQF Level 1 Programmes
  • Grade 12 for National Diploma Programmes
  • Relevant Occupational Programmes

FBC offers Inclusive Education services within a mainstream environment. Occupational Therapists at FBC can help you determine the suitability of a specific programme to your disability, as well as your support needs.

FBC aims to support students with most disabilities and special learning needs. We support students with:

  • Physical disabilities
  • Sensory disabilities (e.g. mild hearing impairment, visual impairment or blindness)
  • Mental health conditions
  • Learning Disabilities (Attention Deficit Disorders, Dyslexia and language processing disorders)

IMPORTANT: While FBC encourages all students with disabilities to apply, we may not be able to accommodate all applicants.


Healthy minds, healthy bodies
Relationship-building and healthy activities are vital aids in academic studies. At False Bay TVET College, you will be encouraged to participate in social events and activities. Our choir, debate and sports teams have fared very well at the provincial level. We offer many other extramural activities to help you relax away from the rigours of studies. Our campus cafeterias provide healthy meal options and opportunities for informal socialising.


Student Health and Wellness remains a priority for our student community. In the interest of ensuring professional access to health services, the College through the Higher Health partnership, provides health services across campuses with our mobile clinic. With each visit the mobile clinic provides a qualified nurse for all of the following services:

  • HIV testing with counselling
  • Provision of condoms (female and male)
  • Blood pressure testing
  • Glucose monitoring (blood sugar)
  • TB screening and referral
  • STI screening and referral
  • Male circumcision referral
  • Family Planning
  • Any other necessary referral


Inclusive Education Services
Khayelitsha, Westlake and Mitchells Plain campuses:
Mrs Jacky Lenting
021 360 5000

Inclusive Education Services
Muizenberg and Fish Hoek campuses:
Mrs Judith de Jager
021 788 8373

Student Support Officer
Muizenberg Campus
021 788 8373

Student Support Officer
Fish Hoek Campus
021 784 4300

Student Support Officer
Khayelitsha Campus
021 361 3430/021 360 5000

Student Support Officer
Westlake Campus
021 700 6400

Student Support Officer
Mitchells Plain Campus
021 391 0717



The Financial Aid Department can aid students who experience difficulties in accessing educational opportunities as a result of financial barriers.


False Bay TVET College acknowledges the value of workplace experience in the further development of our students. The Work Integrated Learning (WIL) Department provides College students with assistance in seeking internship opportunities with industry and community partners.

The WIL Department offers expert support for False Bay TVET College students as follows: 

  • Prepare you for the world of work, through the work readiness programmes
  • Assist exit level students with seeking work experience opportunities, in order to obtain their National N Diploma, National Certificate or Trade Certificate
  • Support while in the workplace
  • Access to work placement experience, research and networks
  • Ensuring placement internships are relevant to the programme studied


The False Bay TVET College CFERI invites all aspiring entrepreneurs with a business idea to register for the mentorship training programme. Supported by and as part of the national incubator network, you will find the right mix of learning and market linkages to make your dream business a reality.

Student Support and Development Services at False Bay TVET College

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Our Campuses

Our Campuses

How to Apply

How to Apply

Programme Fees

Programme Fees


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