Centre for Entrepreneurship
Rapid Incubator
The mission of the CFERI is to:
- Inculcate entrepreneurial thinking in the delivery of College vocational and occupational programmes which will support and stimulate an entrepreneurial economy.
- Inspire young College graduates to become entrepreneurs as an attractive career choice and train these graduates through formal training and practical business experience. The CFERI will also support existing businesses in the Khayelitsha and Mitchells Plain geographical areas.
Current Beneficiaries
Graduates, are you interested in turning your idea/field of study into a business? The CFERI has two intakes a year, but expressions of interest may be submitted throughout the year.
A bespoke business coaching programme is available to select SMMEs to help scale existing businesses. This offering is structured to suit the availability, growth stage and key outcomes of the SMME.
The College offers an opportunity through its CFERI, where corporates may add to their B-BBEE scorecard through bespoke Enterprise and Supplier development funding. In addition, corporates may find value in utilising the Enterprise development capacity of the CFERI to strengthen their existing supply chain.
New: Tech Hub, Maker’s Space and Rental
The Centre for Entrepreneurship offers support for Tech businesses. Entrepreneurs in Construction, Manufacturing, Product Design and Development, Coding and Robotics, Graphic Design and Creative Entrepreneurs can use the space to start up their businesses.
The offering at the Tech Hub includes:
- Furniture and Metal Fabrication Mini Factories
- Maker’s Space
- Coding & Design Lab
- Drone Accelerator Facility
This space is fitted with equipment and software for start-ups to use to grow their businesses.
Entrepreneurs in this space also get access to product development advice and coaching.
For more information, contact the CFERI at 021 201 1215.