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About TVET

About TVET

What exactly is TVET?

TVET is an abbreviation for Technical and Vocational Education and Training. Technical and Vocational Education and Training courses are vocational or occupational by nature meaning that the student receives education and training with a view towards a specific range of jobs, employment or entrepreneurial possibilities. Under certain conditions, some students may qualify for admission to a University of Technology to continue their studies at a higher level in the same field of study as they were studying at the TVET College.

False Bay TVET College and TVET

Public TVET Colleges are established and operated under the authority of the Continuing Education and Training Act 16 of 2006 and resort under the Department of Higher Education and Training.

As a true TVET institution, False Bay TVET College equips students with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes, values and competencies that will allow them to access lifelong learning opportunities and ensure that they become economically productive members of society.

TVET and our courses

In keeping with the aims of TVET, False Bay TVET College programmes integrate theory and practical components which equips the student with highly marketable skills to enter the world of work.

The programmes offered at False Bay TVET College are examined and certified nationally, and our programmes are designed in collaboration with commerce and industry.


The programmes presented at False Bay TVET College are accredited by Sector Education & Training Authorities (SETAs) and the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO).


About TVET