Home 9 Information and Communication Technology 9 NC(V): Information Technology and Computer Science NQF Level 2 – 4
False Bay College Information Technology

NATIONAL CERTIFICATE (VOCATIONAL) [NC(V)]: Information Technology and Computer Science
NQF Level 2-4

NATIONAL CERTIFICATE (VOCATIONAL) [NC(V)]: Information Technology and Computer Science NQF Level 2-4


About this Programme


The National Certificate (Vocational) offers Grade 9 students a vocational alternative to an academic Grade 10-12 by offering specialised training on NQF Levels 2-4.

If you would like to qualify with a specialised NQF Level 4 certificate that will enable you to find relevant employment once qualified, the National Certificate (Vocational) is for you. If you enjoy working with computers, this NC(V) Information Technology programme will give you a foot into the 21st century.  IT is a critical part of our modern world and provides a vast choice of lucrative career opportunities.

Minimum Requirements

Minimum Admission requirements

Grade 9 Certificate or NQF Level 1 equivalent.

Career Opportunities

CAREER opportunities

This qualification is the first step towards a career path in one of the following:



The NC(V) is a 3-year, Full-Time qualification with a certificate at NQF Level 4.

The NC(V) is a 3-year, Full-Time qualification with a certificate at
NQF Level 4.

Course Content

Course content

Fundamental Subjects NQF Level 2-4

  • English First Additional Language
  • Mathematics / Mathematical Literacy
  • Life Skills & Computer Skills


  • Introduction to Information Systems
  • Electronics
  • Introduction to Systems Development
  • Multimedia Basics


  • Systems Analysis and Design
  • Computer Hardware and Software
  • Principles of Computer Programming
  • Multimedia Content


  • Data Communication and Networking
  • Computer Programming
  • Multimedia Service
  • Systems Analysis and Design


English First Additional Language:

English language skills and content will be refined: Listening and Speaking, Reading and Viewing, Writing and Presenting, Language and Communication in Practice.

Life Skills & Computer Skills:

Life Skills is the study of the self in relation to others and to society. This subject addresses knowledge, values, attitudes and skills about the self, the environment, responsible citizenship, a healthy and productive life, social engagement, recreation and physical activity, and career choices. Computer skills are abilities and knowledge which allow you to use computers and related technology such as word processing software, access the Internet, manage files, or create presentations.


This subject empowers students to solve problems creatively and critically using numbers, functions and algebra, data handling, space, shape and measurement and finance.

Mathematical Literacy:

Mathematical Literacy provides students with an awareness of and understanding of the role that mathematics plays in the modern world. Mathematical Literacy is a subject driven by life-related applications of mathematics.

Introduction to Information Systems:

This subject provides the student with the necessary understanding of the value that information systems add to the business organisation and economy. It also deals with the various components of information systems, input, output and secondary hardware.


This subject covers the safe use of electrical equipment, handheld electrical test equipment and the care thereof. It teaches students about the construction of basic electronic circuits and their measurement. Students are introduced to basic programmable logic controllers and advances in technology in the telecommunications and information technology fields.

Introduction to Systems Development

This subject teaches the student about computer software development, computer programming and data storage. It also covers the Internet and the World Wide Web.

Multimedia Basics:

This subject teaches conceptual understanding of digital multimedia and basic skills and knowledge required for multimedia content development and application such as storytelling, sound production, sound editing, photographing and editing and computer-based production of 2D and 3D graphics and animation.

Systems Analysis and Design:

This subject teaches the student how information systems support the various departments in a business organisation, how to conduct an organisational systems analysis and the design and implementation and maintenance of information systems.

Computer Hardware and Software:

This practical subject gives the student the know-how to provide technical assistance for both hardware and software application problems.

The student is required to build a PC or hand-held computer and install and fix hardware and software errors. Preventative maintenance and safety issues in the computer environment are also part of the programme.

Principles of Computer Programming:

This subject teaches the student how to use the principles of computer programming and electronic logic to design a computer programme. Error handling in a computer programming environment is also covered.

Multimedia Content:

This subject teaches core skills required for multimedia content such as designing, editing of videos and moving pictures, electronic publication, producing multimedia products and the ability to plan multimedia content.

Data Communication and Networking:

This subject focuses on the computer network environment, computer architectures and standards. This subject requires the student to design, install, apply software and support a local area computer network (LAN).

Computer Programming:

This subject deals with the designing and programming of well-tested and user-friendly computer-based solutions to meet specific requirements. The student is required to plan a database to provide solutions to a given problem, extract data and provide a report as the project requires. The student will also design and build a website using simple HTML.

Multimedia Service:

This subject teaches skills and theoretical knowledge required for creating multimedia products served on the Internet such as Windows servers, databases, web design, web programming and Internet security.